Programm - Final Version

Recht auf Stadt. Der Kongress. / Right to the City. The Congress.
2. - 5. June 2011 at Hamburg

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Fr, 2011-06-03

The very Heart of Istanbul

Documentary Film with Discussion

Der Film von Marius Ertelt und Nuray Demir (2010, 32 min) thematisiert aktuelle Prozesse der Stadtentwicklung in Istanbul am Beispiel des vom Abriss bedrohten innerstädtischen Qartiers "Tarlabasi".

Documentary film by Nuray Demir/Marius Ertelt 2010, 32 min

The inner city Tarlabaşı area in Istanbul is a highly stigmatised neighbourhood, deemed „dangerous“ by the general public. Declared as an urban-regeneration-area the district is going to be gentrified radically.

İstanbul’un tam kalbinde bulunan Tarlabaşı, halk tarafından “tehlikeli” olarak addedilen damgalanmış bir semt. Bölge, kentsel dönüşüm alanı olarak ilan edildi ve köklü bir şekilde soylulaştırılacak.

Day Fr - 2011-06-03
Room Buttclub
Start time 15:00
Duration 01:00
Tracks Experiment
Language used for presentation English