Programm - Final Version

Recht auf Stadt. Der Kongress. / Right to the City. The Congress.
2. - 5. June 2011 at Hamburg

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Fr, 2011-06-03

The Uprising in Egypt

The Game is not over yet

An den Sturz des vom Westen gestützten Mubarak-Regimes in Kairo durch die Proteste auf dem Tahrir-Platz knüpfen sich viele Erwartungen. Manal Tibe, Leiterin des Ägyptischen Zentrums für Wohnrechte und Tahrir-Platz-Aktivistin, sieht die voreilig gefeierte "Revolution" als Herausforderung der Zukunft. Die regierenden Militärs haben kein Interesse an gesellschaftlicher Veränderung. Wird der von Interessen saudischer Investoren geprägte Stadtentwicklungsplan "Kairo 2050" aufgegeben? Welche Räume könnten sich die bislang an den Rand Gedrängten erkämpfen?

After the fall of the Mubarak regime in Cairo caused by audacious and persistent mass protest, expectations for the future have been running high. To Manal Tibe, director of the Egyptian Center for Housing Rights and Tahrir Square activist, the game is not over yet and the proudly claimed “revolution” remains, to a certain extent, an unfulfilled challenge. The military government is suppressing any further protest and seems to have no interest in fundamental changes to take place in society. Corrupt members of the ruling party are still in power at local level – although the party has been dissolved. Will the investor-biased Cairo 2050 Strategic Development Plan with its inherent eviction and segregation impact still be implemented? Are there any new political spaces allowing the urban poor to exercise their right to the city?

Day Fr - 2011-06-03
Room Rote Flora (Halle oben)
Start time 17:30
Duration 01:30
Tracks Practice
Language used for presentation English